Monday, January 23, 2012

Bowtech Insanity?? Here we go again...

OK, I know that I've posted about my gear addiction/problem in the past, but here we go again! I have to say that I'm not just a brand type of guy. I've had everything from Browning to Mathews to Hoyt when it comes to bows and I fish just about any brand of rod that catches my attention. With that being said, I tend to get caught up in the "latest and greatest" mentality every year. This year that attention seems to be focused on the new Bowtech Insanity. I've shot the Destroyer 340 and 350 and really like the invasion. In fact, if Bowtech didn't suck me in with all the hype on the Insanity, I probably would've bought an Invasion. But, here I am waiting for the local bow shop to get one in so I can decide just how great it is. Honestly the specs look like they took an Invasion and made it a little faster by changing the brace height and the ATA and then added a longer (Insanity CPXL) model to the lineup. I guess I'm going to have to shoot it to really decide but man it looks good! I also really like the optifade options for color that they offer (yes, I am a sitka fan) and it seems like they know just how to hook me. It isn't difficult to get me on the bandwagon because every winter I sit around dreaming of hunting and looking at new equpment. Yes, I have a problem, ok I have a lot of problems, but let's stay focused on my gear addiction for now because I don't think any of you can help me with my other problems...
If anyone has shot the Insanity, let me know how it was. Maybe someone can talk me off of the new bow ledge!  After I shoot one, I'll have to write my comments, eventhough I'm far from being an expert.
One more thing; I've been considering posting some hunting videos and pictures that I've taken while I'm out and about. Please let me know if that is something that you would like to see, or if it's something that you wouldn't like to see. I would really like to make this blog into something entertaining and beneficial for those of you that sit around and dream of hunting and fishing during the winter months.
Take care, and get out there!

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